Friday, December 16, 2011

MB-Eish Part 4: Deadline Detox

**"Eish" is a South African slang term expressing surprise, dismay, anger or frustration.**

As I mentioned last year, I have joined the droves of engineers who have sold out to the dark side: Banking. To make myself more comfortable in my new, murky surrounds I have decided to do an MBA part-time. This is the fourth in a series of posts about my MBA experience.

Firstly, allow me to apologize (yet again) for breaking my promise to blog regularly. I have committed the cardinal blogging sin of letting life get in the way instead of letting it be material. Unfortunately between work, business travel, MBA and all the rest I have been mentally curled into the foetal position just trying to get by with my sanity intact. And I was afraid that blogging would draw my attention to just how crazy things were.

A few days ago I handed in my last MBA assignment for the year. All through the last two months of finals, mid-terms, assignments and work deadlines I have been dreaming of that day. Deadline free! I've been daydreaming of all the books I could read, the movies I could watch, the shopping I could do, the decor projects I could finish, the days at the beach, the guilt-free time with friends through out the Summer.... and four days into this bliss...

...I'm bored out of my freaking skull!!

No deadlines, no drama, no adrenaline, no reason to stay up into the wee hours, no post-exam or post-hand-in rush! Just free time. Endless amounts of time. I find myself flipping through the TV channels aimlessly, uninspired to do any of the things I have been fantasizing about during the many hours of procrastinating that I've indulged in since September.

I've realised that I must be suffering from a rare workaholic disorder which I have dubbed: DDD

Deadline Detox Depression.

Symptoms include staring at the walls for hours, walking aimlessly around your living room in slippers and losing interest in activities that you normally enjoy while practicing work-avoidance behaviour.

And with Christmas, New Year and summer holidays looming there is not a deadline fix in sight!! How am I going to survive all this lying around?

                           Dear Santa

                           Please can I have a purpose for Christmas? 
                           I've been really nice, I swear.

                           Yours in hope,

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