Monday, December 3, 2012

MB-Eish: Part 18: 7

**"Eish" is a South African slang term expressing surprise, dismay, anger or frustration.** 

As I mentioned two years ago, I have joined the droves of engineers who have sold out to the dark side: Banking (and more recently, the elite league of the dark side: Asset Management). To make myself more comfortable in my new, murky surrounds I have decided to do an MBA part-time. This is the eighteenth in a series of posts about my MBA experience.

Geez. 7 days. I can barely believe it.

Firstly, I apologize for not blogging for 5 days. I said every day, and this is not exactly every day. May I lay the blame ceremoniously at Inspiration's feet.

About three days ago, like an other-worldly spirit, she possessed me and stirred me first to restlessness and then into a feverish frenzy. I could not break for more than 20 minutes without thinking of being back at my desk. I lost all sense of time. I struggled to keep track of when last I'd eaten, showered, slept. At some point I was up for more than 24 hours without even realizing it, working like an unstoppable beast. Only when I'd look into a mirror long enough would there be some clues of self-neglect: deep bluish-brown circles under my eyes, disheveled hair, ashen skin. But in my near out-of-body state I accomplished in three days what may otherwise have taken weeks. I have now been through all my sustainability reports and I have a data set! I look at some of the cells in my spreadsheets and I don't remember how they got populated but when I check the data, it is correct. Ah Inspiration, I bow before you! I surrender to you for the next seven days! Clearly I am in good hands!

Of course like ancient tribes who consumed hallucinogenic plants as part of their religious rituals, and the Christians who gather at the altar with hands outstretched for a chalice of wine, this spiritual experience is being facilitated by the steady trickle of Red Bull down by throat. 

Back to work!

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