Saturday, November 10, 2012

That Awkward Moment...

...when you haven't blogged all year and need to ask your readers for forgiveness. Again. This time it will be different! I promise. Hmmmm....

In my defense it's been one hell of a year.  And to blog would have been to acknowledge the craziness at play. And that may have been akin to abandoning the brace position to dance in the aisle of a falling plane.

The last time I posted something was on New Year's Eve last year. Later that night my midnight Facebook status update went something like: "2012...bring it, bitch!". And bring it she did. But I was kinda asking for it. Long story short: I decided to change jobs in the middle of my MBA.

No, I did not ditch The Bank for some noble engineering job helping the world go 'round. I ditched The Bank for The Fund. I have spent the year as a trainee investment analyst. Think Pursuit of Happyness, minus the cute black kid. And the sleeping on the street. And the stockbroking. And in Cape Town. Actually, scratch that completely. Anyway, my point is it's been a rough year. I gave up the cushy security of being an efficiency "expert" at The Bank to be a clueless femgineer trying to crack it as a junior Wall Street wannabe, competing with two younger guys with business  degrees in an environment where failure equaled unemployment, dealing with daily waves of inadequacy and constantly worrying about looking seriously dumb. Between the MBA deadlines and the training program deadlines I have slept about as much as an insomniac with a mild crack habit and a newborn baby.

Fortunately I am still employed, which I guess means I have started resembling a somewhat less clueless femgineer. And the bonus is that I am no longer a professional nomad; and in possibly related news, my beau proposed to me in Feb and we are getting hitched a year from now! I still have a thesis to write before the MBEish posts are a thing of the past. And there are still a few weeks left for 2012 to abuse me. But I think I am winning this fight. Albeit by a close margin.

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